• What is your minimum age when accepting a dog for boarding or daycare?

    As always, our primary concern is the welfare of the dogs in our care. It is generally recommended that puppies get their first round of “adult” shots at 12 weeks and once this first round is completed we are happy to have them join us at the resort, but they will be part of our Puppy Personal Play program – three one-on-one play sessions (10 to 15 minutes each) with a human friend and any other family members.  Once they complete their full vaccine requirements (usually after the Rabies vaccine at 16 weeks or whenever required by state law), we are happy to welcome them into group play.

  • Can my pet catch a disease by being around other pets?

    Your pet can be exposed to diseases regardless of where they are, whether at home, at a dog park, taking a walk in your neighborhood, or staying at our resort. However, the risk of contracting a disease is quite low and virtually eliminated when proper vaccinations are administered (as we require). In addition, we maintain very high sanitation standards and we do everything we can to prevent transmittable diseases from occurring in our resort.

  • Can all of my dogs stay together in the same suite?

    Yes, we actually encourage dogs from the same home to stay together. We find that dogs from the same home usually do better when they stay with their siblings or buddies.

  • Do you give discounts for multiple pets?

    We offer discounts for each additional dog for both daycare and boarding services.
For those who have a big family, we incorporate discounts into your invoice for full day of daycare, half day of daycare, daycare packages and playmate boarding. To receive the playmate boarding discounts, your pets must be staying in the same suite.

  • While my dog is boarding with you, will they be taken out for walks?

    Sorry, we can’t take dogs outside of our facility simply because outdoor environments are not as safe as our controlled indoor/outdoor environment. By taking dogs outside for walks, any number of things could happen: they could step on a piece of glass, ingest something harmful, or escape from their leash. It would be regrettable if any of those things occurred so we keep all of our dogs inside our facility at all times, but don’t worry they will get plenty of exercise.

  • Do you have any outdoor areas? Where is my dog going to go to the bathroom when in your care?

    We have outdoor runs for pets to enjoy some play and sunshine. As for dogs going to the bathroom, our resort offers outdoor turf where dogs will typically relieve themselves.

  • My dog is on a special diet. Can I bring in my own food?

    Of course. We actually require pet parents to bring their dog’s normal food with them when they come to the resort. If we run out of your dog’s food while you’re away, we’ll be happy to accommodate your dog by feeding him or her with our house food.

  • Are your hotels air-conditioned?

    Yes, our entire resort is climate controlled so that they remain comfortable year round.

  • My dog lost weight during their boarding visit. Is that normal?

    It’s not uncommon for a pet to lose some weight while staying in the resort. Most of the weight loss is due to the excitement of being with other guests and the exercise they receive while playing in our large play areas. Dogs in our care get constant activity which doesn’t always happen at home. In short, dogs will typically burn significantly more calories during their boarding visit than they normally do.

  • Does TLC Puppy palace accept all breeds of dog?

    Yes, we love all dogs and do not discriminate based on breed, age, alteration or size. If your dog is social, they will get the same amount of time in our play groups as any other dog regardless of breed. If your dog is not social with other dogs, s/he will get individual play time with a staff member. We do not, however, accept dogs that are aggressive with people. We have a very hands-on resort that requires us to work closely with all of our guests and we cannot do that effectively if your dog is aggressive towards people.

  • Can I bring my dog’s own bed?

    We are a full-service resort and therefore, provide bedding, we provide all the comforts your pup should need. However if you would like to bring their bed, favorite toy, other comforts from home feel free. Only items you need to bring are food, their favorite toy and non-injection meds in original packaging. Additionally, we provide water and food bowls for all our guests. TLC Puppy Palace is not responsible for lost or damaged items.

  • What times can I drop off and pick up my dog?

    Our normal lobby hours are from 7am to 6pm Monday -Friday and weekend drop off/ pick-ups 9am-12pm Saturday & 4pm - 6pm Sunday. However, we have staff at the hotel 24 hours each day and you can make arrangements to drop off and pick up your pet at any time. Please note that an additional fee may apply for after-hours check-in or check-out.

  • Why don’t you let intact guests enjoy group play?

    Dogs who are intact (not spayed/neutered) will be allowed to stay at our resort(with the exception of females while they are actively in heat). However, they will not be able to participate in group play with other guests if they are over 7 months of age. Being intact doesn’t mean that s/he is a “bad dog”, however science tells us (and actual experience confirms) that intact guests emit different hormones and other dogs’ reactions to this can often alter the group dynamic enough to impact the overall safety of all dogs involved.  Based on recommendations from canine behavior and veterinary experts as well as our own professional experience, it is in the best interest of all resort guests that we separate our intact and spayed/neutered guests.

  • If I am paying for daycare and my pooch isn’t in group play. Will s/he be in a suite all day?

    The term “daycare” means that we are providing care for your dog for the day. Playtime is included in that cost, but whether that playtime is social with other dogs or one-on- one playtime with a human is up to our professional discretion. Not all dogs are fit for social play here at TLC Puppy Palace. That doesn’t mean they are a “bad dog”, but rather that they will do better getting individual attention due to age, health, behavior, personality, etc. S/He will receive the same level of care, just a different schedule and play program during the day.